The Ambassadors Club
We are looking for passionate individuals that connect with our brand, as well as with the kayak community around them. Do you consider yourself an high level kayak instructor? Do you have an idea of how to create content for social media?
We are looking for passionate individuals that connect with our brand, as well as with the kayak community around them. Do you consider yourself an high level kayak instructor? Do you have an idea of how to create content for social media?
We expect Ambassadors to be passionate about promoting Segla Gear Products on their social media accounts and in their local communities. Ambassadors understand our core values and use their social media accounts to spread our message. As an Ambassador you would make sure to use our gear as much as possible and photograph those items in action. Besides creating content for us to post, it is expected that you share news about product releases, giveaways, and events.
A “Welcome to the Team” paddle package
A spotlight feature on our website with your image
Discounts on all Segla gear products
The chance to share your Pro Insight when Segla Gear is developing new products and possibly testing pre-production designs
Website and newsletter features
Lifestyle media feature
Tomoaki Takahashi
We offer a school specializing in sea kayaking in the
field of Miura Peninsula in Kanagawa Prefecture.
The Miura Peninsula is a small peninsula of about 70 km in circumference, but it is a great field to learn sea kayaking because it is rich in variety, from quiet coves and rough reefs to areas facing the open sea. At my school, I offer training and touring in small groups upon request, from beginners who are new to kayaking to advanced kayakers who want to become group leaders or instructors in the future.
What is your goal in kayaking?
We would be happy to help you improve your skills to reach your goals in a safe and fun way.
Main qualifications:
Japan Canoe Federation certified instructor
Sea Senior Instructor
Sea Master Certification Assistant
JRCA kayak school -Let's Go Kayakers
Stephane Burns
Born in the Basses-Laurentides region, Stéphane always had a great interest for outdoors activities. It’s during a family outing in 2016 that he tried kayaking for the first time. He immediately fell in love with this sport
Paddle Canada Level 3
Paddle Canada Level 1 – Monitor
Canot Kayak Québec Level 2 – Monitor
British Canoeing – Coastal navigation and tidal planning
British Canoeing – Open water navigation and tide planning
Ketil H Sivertsen
Welcome to No Limit Adventure. A company that wants to give you good experiences. Whether it is in the form of a kayak course or a hiking experience.
Intro and a basic course in kayaking by the Norwegian Paddle Federation’s guidelines
Kayak trips in beautiful Øygarden outside Bergen
Kayak trips to other adventure destinations
Or how about something tailored to your needs
Stephane Burns
Born in the Basses-Laurentides region, Stéphane always had a great interest for outdoors activities. It’s during a family outing in 2016 that he tried kayaking for the first time. He immediately fell in love with this sport
Paddle Canada Level 3
Paddle Canada Level 1 – Monitor
Canot Kayak Québec Level 2 – Monitor
British Canoeing – Coastal navigation and tidal planning
British Canoeing – Open water navigation and tide planning
New Zealand
Mathew Schweizer
SCA sea kayak leader.
Patagonia Expedition leader.
Wilderness first responder.
Canadian SVOP.
Pep Juaneda
Pep Juaneda is the owner and primary guide of KEM.
He would like to share the experience and the enjoyment of kayaking in Mallorca’s crystal clear waters and discovering the beautiful coastline in an environmentally friendly way.
He enjoys teaching and leading small groups along the beautiful coastline of Mallorca. He has been paddling for 28 years and has a vast knowledge of Mallorca’s coastline and the Mediterranean sea.
Current Certifications:
ACA Level 3 Instructor
BC 4 Star Sea Leader award
Monitor de kayak de la R.F.E.P
First Aid and CPR course
The Netherlands
Bernadette Slotboom-Smits
Born in Doesburg in The Netherlands.
She lives near the Rhine in The Netherlands, one of the biggest rivers in Europe.
Whilst kayaking over flooded meadows, as you often experience in The Netherlands, kayaking remains so much fun and diverse.
Passionate paddler all season: 2015 - till now
Dutch open water kayak instructor WSV level 3 Inland water
25 Years paramedic + registered nurse ICU
Instructor Basic life support / CPR / AED
KAYAKS: Wilderness Systems Tempest 165 / P & H Cetus mv / Lettmann Biskaya LV
Torbjorn Soderholm
Born and raised in a suburb of Stockholm in 1982. Met a Danish girl (now wife and co-owner) on a one-year outdoor education in 2003 and started our sea kayak business on the west coast of Sweden in 2005. My passion for sea kayaking has taken me to many amazing places and have met and still meet truly inspiring paddlers. The awesome thing about sea kayaking for me is the combination of expeditions and technical, tactical and psychological skill development. To also be able to give other kayakers this through coaching and guiding is the creme on the cake.
Owner of Nautopp Kajakcenter Grebbestad was founded in 2005 and for many years we had our base in Lysekil. Spring 2016 we got the opportunity to move the company to the village of Grebbestad where you’ll find us today.
ISKGA Advanced Guide
BC Advanced Leader
Swedish EPP Red Assessor
ACA Level 3 Instructor
Current Certifications:
Gonzalo Rubina
26 years of sea kayaking experience
15 years of high-level courses
Multiple trips and expeditions -sea-lake-rivers
Mountain biker-climber-skier
Current Certifications:
Open water costal kayaking instructor Level 4 ACA
Open water costal kayaking trip leader Level 4 ACA
Leave no trace educator WFR-NAZSAR EEUU
Will Copestake
Current Certifications:
BCU level 5.
Adventure of the Year UK and Schotland.
364 days solo circumnavigation of Schotland by Kayak.
Expedition leader Patagonia.
Expedition leader Antarctica.
Alessandro Martella
Coastal Guide, certified by ISKGA
Since: 2018
Trained and certified byBritish Canoeing
Specialtiest guiding daily activities and week-long expeditions
Regions: Venetian Lagoon, Salento region and Elba Island.
Jean Marc Terrade
Environmental Trainer :
French Biodiversity Agency (AFB),
French Federation of Canoe Kayak (FFCK).
Referent National Sea Kayak Trainer (FFCK)
Navigation and supervision of stays
France and abroad.
International sea kayaking meetings
Sea Kayak Advanced Brittany Tour (SKABT)
Kayaking and environment
Regional Programs:
Explore and preserve by sea kayak;
Browse our rivers.
Brittany, National School of Sailing and Water Sports (ENVSN);
Environmental education in water sports in Brittany, National School of Sailing and Water Sports (ENVSN);
Support for the networking of water sports operators (ENVSN)
Good management practices for outdoor sports in marine protected areas. Marine Protected Areas Agency, (AAMP).
Regional Action Plan Educating to and in Nature in Brittany. REEB